Monday, January 21, 2008

Always Wear Your Rotary Pin

I've been ranting about this for years - I wear my Rotary pin everyplace I go (okay, not to bed or in the shower, but besides that, yeah, pretty much everyplace). I've been stopped at parties, at the airport, and walking down the street by people who recognized it and either said "What is it?" or "What club do you belong to?"

So how comforting to find my fellow RB Sunrise Rotary blogger Paul Gorman came out with an unsolicited column about the value and importance of wearing your pin all the time (

If you ever drive down the street, watch two Corvette owners happen upon each other. They flash their headlights. Rotarians are kind of the same way. As Paul says, it's kind of like a secret handshake...only we don't have to wear the funny hats.

There's business out there for anyone smart enough to recognize that wearing the Rotary pin in public is just one more way of marketing yourself. And remember - people do business with people they know, and like, and trust. And what could be more trustworthy than a fellow Rotarian?

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