Monday, September 19, 2011

RB Sunrise Rotary Selects Eric Matthews as Abraxas Student of the Month

As part of its ongoing partnership with Abraxas High School, the Rancho Bernardo Sunrise Rotary Club announced their Student Of The Month award for September 2011 at this past week’s breakfast meeting.

The presentation to Eric Matthews was made by principal Rudy Casciato, teacher Keith Leighton and Rotarian Trudy Armstrong.

“Here was a guy who had dropped out of school,” explained Leighton to the room of 50+ professionals. “Now he’s back into everything that school has to offer, is doing great things, and is earning credits right and left towards graduation.”

“Eric will be attending motorcycle maintenance school in Arizona upon graduation,” his teacher proudly announced.
From Left to Right – Abraxas principal Rudy Casciato, teacher Keith Leighton, student Eric Matthews, and Rotarian Trudy Armstrong at the breakfast honoring Eric’s academic accomplishments.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Peter Jackson joins Star-Studded RB Sunrise Rotary

Peter "I'm not a hobbit" Jackson was inducted this past week as the newest member of the Rancho Bernardo Sunrise Rotary Club.

Jackson joins longtime members Michael "I'm NOT the actor" Rennie and James "The other one" Stewart in the 50-member club.

"I've enjoyed community involvement in the past, which has mainly been by way of coaching youth sports" says the owner of Sign Distinction in Sabre Springs, "and as I go through the start-up phases of our new business i was searching for a way to continue that involvement on another level. I could think of no better way than by joining Rotary."

"Rotary is one of the most giving community organizations it has ever been my pleasure to work with," he says, adding "I'm proud to be accepted as a member here."

Peter Jackson is welcomed to the RB Sunrise Rotary club by Membership Chair Karen Mortimer