Saturday, December 1, 2007

Training at PETS '08

For the third year in a row, I have been asked to come to Los Angeles to help train the incoming presidents of roughly 450 Rotary clubs throughout the Southwest. My subject is publicity and web site development - something that was never done until I started it in 2006.

It's a fun time - 3 solid days of work, lots of public speaking (which I genuinely enjoy) - and I always leave with everyone in the place knowing me and my hat.

Yesterday I met with Jim Roth to strategize ways to incorporate the Rotarians at Work project into my 50-minute presentation. I need to add one more slide, and may have to pull something else out (should be interesting, since it's pretty tight already). Perhaps I'll pull something from the presentation, but leave everything in the version that attendees take away with them. Hey - nobody listens to this stuff anyway, right?

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