Friday, November 16, 2007

Welcome to RB Sunrise Rotary

I recently asked a new member of my Rotary Club - the Sunrise Rotary Club of Rancho Bernardo, CA - to keep a blog of his activities as a Red Badge Rotarian. His postings will be found at

As a red badge Rotarian, Paul is going through all the first steps necessary to become a full-fledged Rotarian. The red badge is kind of like training wheels as he gets to know the ways of the world of Rotary International.

However, it strikes me that it's not really fair for me to ask him to go through this project unless I'm willing to do the same thing. Therefore, I have resolved to keep a blog of a year (or perhaps more) as a Rotarian, and all that this implies.

My hope is to help others see why belonging to Rotary is a worthwhile goal and to help them appreciate why I get up for a 7am meeting every week. I'm also WIDE open to comments, suggestions, and ideas on how to make this blog better. Please feel free to participate in this experiment.

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