Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Rotational Rotary Breakfast

This week's meeting was a bit different than typical Rotary meetings. This week we did a small group of Rotarians meeting at one member's office. In this case, Rex Teets, Dick Kurtz, Martin Sheps, and I showed up at the office of San Diego Digital Solutions. There, hosts Barry Wolfert and Jan Wolfert told us about their business (copiers, digital printers, and basically any type of machinery needed to handle paper), hosted a delicious breakfast (I'll take their quiche over the runny eggs and greasy sausage we typically get at a Rotary breakfast ANY day) and then we discussed ways to bring in more members and to better maintain the members we've got.

Ideas that came out included getting members involved earlier, having each member provide an annual budget of fines they're comfortable paying (instead of having to pay something each week), and possibly limiting the size of the group (though as the group's publicist, I have a problem with that one). It'll be interesting to see which of these recommendations (if any) get adopted by the club's leadership.

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