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Wednesday, December 19, 2012
RB Sunrise Rotary Announces Meeting Speakers for January, 2013
• January 08 Maurice Wilson, co-founder of NVTSI/REBOOT, visits to address high rates of unemployment, homelessness, drug abuse and other issues associated with military-to-civilian reintegration. Mr. Wilson has been named a Champion of Change by President Barack Obama.
• January 15 Bob James, Jr. – Membership Chair for Rotary District 5340 (San Diego and Imperial Counties) – explores the benefits of membership in Rotary International and the potential benefits that come from increased numbers of people committing themselves to giving back to the community.
• January 22 Carl Kruse – Former Poway City Council member, Former Poway mayor, and Governor-elect of Rotary District 5340 (San Diego and Imperial Counties) – returns to his home club fresh from the annual International Governors Assembly, where all 512 governors from around the world gather to discuss Rotary’s place in today’s society. Attendees will be among the first to learn of themes and messaging being utilized by 34,000 Rotary clubs around the globe beginning July 1.
• January 29 Alison Farrin, President of Innovative Pension Design, will do a presentation on the 100 Mile One Day Western States Trail Ride (the Tevis Cup Endurance Ride). Since 1955, this annual tradition has been the very definition of extreme sports – a 24-hour run over 100 grueling miles that tests horse and rider alike. This year’s run is scheduled for June 1-2, and Ms. Farrin will tell what it looks like from the saddle.
Doors open at 7:00 am, and all RB Sunrise Rotary meetings start promptly at 7:15 am at the Country Club of Rancho Bernardo, 12280 Greens East Road, San Diego, CA 92128. Speakers begin their presentations at 8:00 am. Members of the public are invited to attend these meetings at no charge if staying for just the speaker. A $15 fee will be charged to those staying for breakfast.
The Rancho Bernardo Sunrise Rotary club itself can be found online at www.rbsunrise.org.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Marc Nimetz joins RB Sunrise Rotary
RB Sunrise Rotary Announces Meeting Speakers for November, 2012
Friday, August 17, 2012
Feeding people with a club
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
The Doctor is IN at RB Sunrise Rotary
Elvis may have left the building, but Jason Keckley is in…at least on days when the Rancho Bernardo Sunrise Rotary Club is in session.
As the newest member of the RB Sunrise Rotary, Dr. Keckley is used to serving others and finding ways to improve their lives.
“Here is a man who served his country as a marine,” observes club president Paul Sullivan. “He has earned a BS in Cellular and Molecular Biology and a Doctorate of Dental Medicine, and has already set his sites on how he can use his professional dental experience at Poway’s Pomerado Cosmetic Dentistry to help the community at-large.”
With programs ranging from reading to children to driving seniors to medical appointments, Dr. Keckley certainly has a wealth of opportunities to select from. He notes, “There’s a program where the club goes to Mexico to provide free dental services to indigent children, and to me that’s a natural.”
“To know you can spend a day and a few hours doing what you love and positively impact dozens of lives is just amazing,” says Dr. Keckley, who adds “Understanding that you’ll make new friends at Rotary clubs on both sides of the border because of your efforts – THAT is what Rotary International is all about.”
Dr. Keckley and his wife Kristy live in Poway with their English bulldog Diego. Besides dentistry, Dr. Keckley enjoys attending SDSU Aztec basketball and football games.
You’ll find Dr. Jason Keckley and the other 50+ business and community leaders in the RB Sunrise Rotary meeting for breakfast every Tuesday at 7am at the RB Country Club on Greens East Road in RB. Professionals from throughout the region considering membership in the club are invited to attend for a free breakfast and some of the finest camaraderie to be found in north county.
More information about the RB Sunrise Rotary can be found online at www.rbsunrise.org.
Thursday, April 5, 2012
RB Sunrise Rotary Initiates Jeanne MacLaren
Jeanne MacLaren, who moved here after spending 27 years in Scotts Valley, is a retired speech language pathologist who willingly swapped the mercurial weather patterns of central California for the steady sunshine of Rancho Bernardo.
“Jeanne is an amazing woman and we’re thrilled to have her with us,” said club president Rick Coburn as she was inducted at a recent breakfast meeting. He cited her lifetime of professional and personal accomplishments, including 16 years of previous Rotary experience, participation as a member of the board of trustees for the Santa Cruz County Office of Education, involvement with community cultural councils, and an active role in countless non-profit and educational boards of directors.
You’ll find Jeanne MacLaren and the other 50+ business and community leaders in the RB Sunrise Rotary meeting for breakfast every Tuesday at 7am at the RB Country Club on Greens East Road in RB. Professionals from throughout the region considering membership in the club are invited to attend for a free breakfast and some of the finest camaraderie to be found in north county.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
RB Sunrise Rotary adds Paul Harris Fellow
The Paul Harris Fellowship Award is one of the highest honors Rotary can bestow upon an individual. Recipients are typically Rotarians, professionals and community leaders who are recognized for their outstanding contributions to those around them.
The honor and recognition accompanies a donation of $1,000 or more in the name of the recipient to Rotary International’s Paul Harris Fund in support of Rotary’s world-wide programs.
Honored at a recent Tuesday morning breakfast meeting was Mitra Nasseri who, with husband Fred and other family members, owns and operates the iconic Unicorn Jewelry in RB.
“Community is always high on the list of priorities for our friends at Unicorn Jewelry,” said past club president and future district president Carl Kruse. “Organizations of every stripe know they can count on Fred and Mitra Nasseri, and I take great personal satisfaction in giving Mitra this honor as a small token of our esteem and thanks for everything they do for the rest of us.”
Club president Rick Coburn noted of the experience; “Since its inception, the Paul Harris Foundation has been dedicated to doing good for those who may not be able to help themselves. The very first grant in 1930 provided seed money for what became the Easter Seals Foundation.”
“We can only hope our efforts here today also have that kind of positive result.”
The RB Sunrise Rotary can be found online at http://www.rbsunrise.org/.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012
4-way speech contest - sub-regional finals

Joining us were (from left) Julian Stanley, Ashley Hope, Erin Singer, Emyle Rogers, Kathryn Markham and Danielle Ashmun. Ashley Hope will go onto the regional finals, having claimed first place with her presentation about broken promises.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
RB Sunrise Rotary Announces Meeting Speakers for April, 2012
· April 3 Wayne Saunders, Curator at the History of Man Museum, will be in talking about the History of Games.
· April 10 Joe Molina of Navy Seals – Team Red, White and Blue – discusses his actions in Afghanistan and his receipt of both Silver and Bronze stars for bravery.
· April 17 Katrin Belenky of the San Diego Children’s Discovery Museum shows how to inspire children to learn about the world they live in through exploration, imagination, and experimentation.
· April 24 Brett Weiss of Scan Diego will examine ways pre-digital media are deteriorating and how to salvage them from the ravages of time.
The meetings start promptly at 7:15 am at the Country Club of Rancho Bernardo, 12280 Greens East Road, San Diego, CA 92128. Speakers begin their presentations at 8:00 am. Members of the public are invited to attend these meetings at no charge if staying for just the speaker. A $15 fee will be charged to those staying for breakfast.
The Rancho Bernardo Sunrise Rotary club itself can be found online at www.rbsunrise.org.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Publicity - the gift that keeps on giving
The Rancho Bernardo Sunrise Rotary recently welcomed computer consultant Wayne Hamburger as its newest member. Hamburger, a New York City native who graduated from MIT in 1976 with a degree in mathematics and computer science, owns Computer Software Consultants Inc. in Poway, which provides technical support and part-time IT department services to small businesses to help minimize overhead. RB Sunrise Rotary meets at 7 a.m. for breakfast every Tuesday at the RB Country Club, 12280 Greens East Road. Visit rbsunrise.org.
Read more: http://www.nctimes.com/news/local/community/photos/rancho-bernardo-new-member-inducted/article_fa4397cd-fdf6-5079-9724-721a64f5fc42.html#ixzz1p6beUXDc
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Teenage voices restore hope
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Paul Harris x 3
At this morning's meeting we met Jim Stewart (Left - Paul Harris x3), Nasrin Barbee (Center - Paul Harris x5) and Alison Farrin (Right - Paul Harris x3).

The honor and recognition accompanies a donation of $1,000 or more in the name of the recipient to Rotary International’s Paul Harris Fund in support of Rotary’s world-wide programs.
Monday, February 27, 2012
RB Sunrise Rotary Announces Meeting Speakers for March, 2012
The RB Sunrise Rotary Club has announced the following lineup of for March, 2012. Their meetings are a MUST for anyone interested in camaraderie and community insight. The schedule includes:
· March 6 State Assembly member and Mayoral candidate Nathan Fletcher will address the state of the community and field questions regarding the future.
· March 13 The Rancho Bernardo High School Madrigal Singers will provide a special, one-time only, Spring concert.
· March 20 Rick Coburn, president of Coburn Restoration, will speak about the challenges associated with Huntington’s Disease.
· March 27 The annual Four-Way Speech Contest - Sub-regional finals for Rotary District 5340 (San Diego/Imperial Counties) - will be held at the RB Sunrise Rotary Club.
The meetings start promptly at 7:15 am at the Country Club of Rancho Bernardo, 12280 Greens East Road, San Diego, CA 92128. Speakers begin their presentations at 8:00 am. Members of the public are invited to attend these meetings at no charge if staying for just the speaker. A $15 fee will be charged to those staying for breakfast.
The Rancho Bernardo Sunrise Rotary club itself can be found online at http://www.rbsunrise.org/.
Monday, February 6, 2012
RB Sunrise Rotary Catches Kids Being Good

Thursday, February 2, 2012
RB Sunrise Rotarians Get Ink!
Older memories change: Join the Rancho Bernardo Sunrise Rotary meeting at 8 a.m. Tuesday, when a representative from Brain Gain will talk about how memory changes as we age. The meetings are always held at the Country Club of Rancho Bernardo so try to keep that firmly in mind.
And more Rotary: On Feb. 7, Jonathan Smith, MD, MBA, will combine insights into human behavior to provide answers to many of today's personal and business issues. His topic? Healthier is wealthier. An anesthesiologist for almost 40 years, Dr. Smith should know the answers.
On Feb. 14, Mel Robinson of Identity Theft Solutions, LLC will discuss identity theft and how businesses can become compliant with FACTA (the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act).
On Feb. 21 there will be the Rotary's District 5340's Four-Way Speech Contest.
And on Feb. 28, Gary Rossi will discuss strategic planning working with the Malcolm Baldridge School of Performance Excellence.
All meetings start promptly at 7:15 a.m. Tuesdays at the Country Club of Rancho Bernardo, 12280 Greens East Road. Members of the public are invited to attend meetings at no charge if staying for just the speaker. If staying for breakfast, a $15 fee will be charged. The RB Sunrise Rotary club can be found online at www.rbsunrise.org.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Abraxas' Joe Radovich visits to say goodbye

Tuesday, January 31, 2012
RB Sunrise Rotary Initiates New Member
Hamburger owns Computer Software Consultants, Inc. in Poway, providing technical support and part-time IT-department services to small business to help them minimize overhead.
The New York City native graduated from MIT in 1976 with a degree in Mathematics and Computer Science. After a couple of years working at the MIT Francis Bitter National Magnet Lab on magnetic containment systems for fusion reactors, Wayne left the northeast in search of warmer climes. He’s lived in San Diego since 1978, and has two grown children who frequently cause the buttons on his vest to pop off.
“I’ve long respected and admired the work done by Rotary International” he says of his reasons for joining the organization. “Here is a group of over a million professionals around the world who are willing to give up their time, their talent, and their money to improve the lives of those around them. It’s amazing, and I want to be part of that scene. I want to give back to the community like they do, and look forward to finding opportunities to serve and to make new friends.”
“The Rancho Bernardo Sunrise Rotary is a fun group with something for everyone. I came to a few meetings and saw these were people who could enjoy each others’ company, even as they were seeking ways to make the world a better place. They appealed to the character in me, even as they connected with the altruistic side of my personality.”
Hamburger also observes how he’ll have a good deal of extra time over the next few months, making this a great point in his life to get involved with Rotary. “The love of my life is a CPA” he smiles “and this is her busy season. Since I don’t expect to see much of her for the next few months, we both figured this would be a great way to avoid getting into trouble.”
Besides his lady friend, Hamburger’s passion is developing custom software for small businesses, both on the desktop and on the web.
You’ll find Wayne Hamburger and the other 50+ business and community leaders in the RB Sunrise Rotary meeting for breakfast every Tuesday at 7am at the RB Country Club on Greens East Road in RB. Professionals from throughout the region considering membership in the club are invited to attend for a free breakfast and some of the finest camaraderie to be found in north county.
More information about the RB Sunrise Rotary can be found online at http://www.rbsunrise.org/.

Meet the newest RB Sunrise Rotarian – Wayne Hamburger
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
RB Sunrise Rotary Selects Abraxas Student of the Month
The presentation to Derek Hudgins was made by teacher Bill Palmer and Rotarian Joseph Giamanco.
“Derek is a poster child for all the good things that come from an education at Abraxas High School,” explained Palmer to the room of 50+ professionals. “He’s been aggressively pursuing an education, understands how important it is to his future, and will actually be graduating three months ahead of the rest of his class.”
“Derek also plans to attend college, then go into the US Air Force,” his teacher proudly announced.
Said Mr. Hudgins; “Abraxas is an amazing school that lets students work at their own speed. I’m treated well there, and have really had a chance to improve my life.”
Joining in the conversation, Rotarian Joe Giamanco also noted how Abraxas has successfully cut dropout rates by fifty percent. “Obviously they’re doing something right over there.”
As a reward for his hard work, Derek received a gift certificate and an award in honor of his achievement from the RB Sunrise Rotary.
More information about Abraxas High School is available at www.powayusd.com/PUSDAHS/. The Rancho Bernardo Sunrise Rotary club can be found online at http://www.rbsunrise.org/.

Monday, January 23, 2012
RB Sunrise Rotary Announces Meeting Speakers for February, 2012
- February 7 Jonathan Smith MD, MBA – An Anesthesiologist for almost 40 years and an MBA, Dr. Smith combines insights into human behavior to provide solutions to many of today's personal and business issues. His topic: HEALTHIER is WEALTHIER.
- February 14 Mel Robinson of US Identity Theft Solutions, LLC will discuss identity theft and how businesses can become compliant with the FACTA (Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act) Law.
- February 21 Rotary District 5340’s Four-Way Speech Contest.
- February 28 Gary Rossi will discuss strategic planning working with the Malcolm Baldridge school of Performance Excellence.
The meetings start promptly at 7:15 am at the Country Club of Rancho Bernardo, 12280 Greens East Road, San Diego, CA 92128. Speakers begin their presentations at 8:00 am. Members of the public are invited to attend these meetings at no charge if staying for just the speaker. A $15 fee will be charged to those staying for breakfast.
The Rancho Bernardo Sunrise Rotary club itself can be found online at www.rbsunrise.org.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
RB Sunrise Rotarians Teach Youth to LEAD
These words poured from Samantha Lee at a recent breakfast meeting after her participation at Rotary’s LEAD Conference. LEAD stands for Leadership, Ethics And Determination.
This conference is a leadership and personal development program for 8th grade middle school students. Talented young people attend a two day camp developed, presented and paid for by the members of Rotary International District 5340 (San Diego and Imperial Counties).
Samantha was sponsored by the 50 professionals who make up the RB Sunrise Rotary Club.
LEAD encourages regional youth to examine ethical responsibility, improve leadership and communication skills, and develop a positive outlook on life. They do all this in an atmosphere that fosters fun and making new friends. Simultaneously, participating Rotarians have the opportunity to share their love of service, develop a new generation of leaders, provide valuable expertise, and bridge the gap between generations.
“There are only a few words to describe the experience” Samantha noted, mentioning “amazing” and “unforgettable” as those that are high on her list. She reports she returned from her weekend knowing she can make a difference in the world.
“LEAD tackles issues large and small,” observes club president Rick Coburn. “From long-range life planning to learning how to give firm handshakes, we’re providing these kids with the tools they need to build a better future for themselves and the world around them.”
“I learned a great many things,” Samantha says now. “I learned to stop putting myself down, to ignore my insecurities, and to work towards making a difference in the world. This experience changed my perspective on life.”
Students who will be in the eighth grade in the school year 2012-13 and are interested in participating in LEAD should contact club coordinator Kendra Jeffcoat (kendrajeffcoat@gmail.com) for additional information.

Samantha Lee – Rancho Bernardo’s newest leader
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Visit of the Five Rotarians
Wanting to maximize the opportunity, the three Rotary clubs also coordinated similar donations for the children of nearby Ciudad de los Niños orphanage.
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
RB Sunrise Rotary and Interact Start 2012 Right for 1,300 Needy Kids

Interact is Rotary International’s service club for students ages 12 to 18. Sponsored, supported and guided by individual Rotary clubs, it is the equivalent of a Rotary club at the high school level.
There are over 10,700 Interact clubs with almost 200,000 young people in 109 countries and geographical areas around the world.
“We’re VERY proud of our Interactors” said program coordinator Joe Giamanco, who noted that 20 students represented the RB Sunrise Rotary at this year’s event. “These are the kinds of kids who demonstrate the quality of students working with Rotary International and their love for community service. They help provide a shining example for the rest of the community to follow.”
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
RB Sunrise Rotary Doesn’t Understand the word “NO”
“We organize this effort in cooperation with the SoCal Dictionary Project,” reports club president Rick Coburn. SoCal DP is dedicated to providing free English and Spanish/English bilingual dictionaries to all third grade students in the nation’s public schools. “We are very proud to have been involved in this excellent effort.” says Coburn, noting this is the ninth year the RB Sunrise Club has worked with area schools in this way.
Each year RB Sunrise Rotary distributes almost 1,350 dictionaries – one for every third grader at 11 San Diego-area elementary schools. The money used to sponsor this year’s program was raised during the club’s 2011 holiday campaign, an annual event that uses a full-page ad in area newspapers to thank the generosity of area individuals and businesses responsible for donating tens of thousands of dollars to help make North County a better place to live. RB Sunrise Rotary returns every dollar to the community through programs like the Dictionary Project.
Children at Dingeman, Ericson, Hage, Hickman, Jerabek, Mason, Midland, Painted Rock, Park Village, Valley, and Walker elementary schools benefited from the dictionary program. Coburn reports efforts are already underway to raise money for next year’s dictionary campaign.
Each club meeting includes a speaker addressing items of interest in business, politics, finance, and the world at-large. Speakers begin their presentations at 8:00 am. Members of the public are invited to attend these meetings at no charge if staying for just the speaker. A $15 fee will be charged to those staying for breakfast.