The presentation to Derek Hudgins was made by teacher Bill Palmer and Rotarian Joseph Giamanco.
“Derek is a poster child for all the good things that come from an education at Abraxas High School,” explained Palmer to the room of 50+ professionals. “He’s been aggressively pursuing an education, understands how important it is to his future, and will actually be graduating three months ahead of the rest of his class.”
“Derek also plans to attend college, then go into the US Air Force,” his teacher proudly announced.
Said Mr. Hudgins; “Abraxas is an amazing school that lets students work at their own speed. I’m treated well there, and have really had a chance to improve my life.”
Joining in the conversation, Rotarian Joe Giamanco also noted how Abraxas has successfully cut dropout rates by fifty percent. “Obviously they’re doing something right over there.”
As a reward for his hard work, Derek received a gift certificate and an award in honor of his achievement from the RB Sunrise Rotary.
More information about Abraxas High School is available at The Rancho Bernardo Sunrise Rotary club can be found online at

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