Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Looking towards an electronic future

It's kind of cool being the head of the publicity committee (actually, I'm the entire publicity committee, but that's another issue) for my Rotary club. Nobody breathes down my neck to make deadlines, my words appear in the newspaper (and sometimes my name as the source of the photographs), and the club members appreciate the work I do.

Yesterday there was a lot to appreciate - 14 articles published in the past 21 days, most of them with photos. There are four more stories to write this week (Friday's project) and others in the works. Hopefully it's helping the club and the overall effort.

On a sadder note, we had a memorial for Marc Aaron this past Sunday. Lots of people turned out to drink beer and eat (his recipe) hot wings at the Tilted Kilt (owned by his best friend Tony). And I understand there's already been a decent initial donation to the Marc Aaron fund set up at the Temecula Valley Bank in Rancho Bernardo.

Finally, four of us sat down after yesterday's meeting to strategize a new website and other technological issues. Seems we're going to test Club Runner, which will help us get our site back on track. We're also going to develop an electronic newsletter (Martin and Michael working together, instead of it just sitting on Martin's shoulders) and begin implementing YouTube, FaceBook, LinkedIn and other technologies.

Kendra is getting off to a good start - I'm very impressed with her already, and she hasn't even taken office yet.

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