Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The queen is dead. Long live the queen!

And so the torch is passed from Kendra Jeffcoat to Nasrin Barbee.

As columnist Eileen Haag observed:

Kendra Jeffcoat has just completed her term as president of the RB Sunrise Rotary and her successor is Nasrin Barbee. The president-elect of the RB Noon Rotary is Barbara Baldwin.

Methinks that the men who didn’t want to admit women in the first place may have been right in saying that to let them in would be to let them take over —­ and it seems that now everyone agrees that’s a good thing!

It was a teary time this morning as Kendra thanked everyone who helped make her year a success. As part of this, Kendra instituted a new tradition - the passing of the scarf (and good wishes) from old presidents to new. I found it vaguely reminiscent of the SUNY Binghamton tradition of Stepping on the Coat, done each spring.

Now Kendra will, no doubt, take a well-deserved break to catch her breath, then find her own niche within the club. It should be interesting to see where in the heirarchy she ends up after all is said and done.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Maybe I do write well after all...

Just ran one my Rotary press releases through Gobbledegook Grader and scored an 89 out of 100. Would have gotten 100%, except the program didn't like the fact that there were some unusual names in the release.

BTW - the story with the high grade was this one:

RB Sunrise Rotary Honors Five for Youth Leadership Skills

Continuing its ongoing philosophy of “Service Above Self”, as well as working to forward the interests of every corner of the community, the Rancho Bernardo Sunrise Rotary Club honored five Scripps Ranch High School juniors - Lauren Trott, Emily Berg, Shivangi Maniar, Vanessa Arredondo and Claire Tran - at this week’s breakfast meeting.

Recently returned from the annual Rotary Youth Leadership Award (RYLA), the five students were provided an opportunity to emphasize leadership, citizenship, and personal growth skills during an intensive weekend at Idyllwild Pines Camp in Idyllwild, California. They were joined by hundreds of other similarly-minded youths from San Diego and Imperial Counties for the exercise, whose theme was “Knowledge is Power”.

“RYLA is a training program established by Rotary International for young community activists. It emphasizes leadership, citizenship, and personal growth” explained program coordinator Lloyd Trilling as he introduced the students sponsored by RB Sunrise Rotary. In addition, RYLA gives participants an opportunity to:

  • Share motivating experiences with influential members of regional business and community groups

  • Be mentored to further develop their talents and abilities

  • Accomplish personal goals through teamwork

“This weekend inspired us all that we can make a difference in the world” recalled Shivangi Maniar. It’s a difference they’ll continue to reflect upon at the anniversary of their RYLA participation. This is when each participant will receive a letter she wrote to herself about how she envisions her future.

The 65 professionals of the RB Sunrise Rotary meet at 7:15 every Tuesday morning at the Country Club of Rancho Bernardo, 12280 Greens East Road, San Diego, CA 92128. Members of the public are invited to attend these meetings.

Additional information about RYLA is available at http://www.rotary.org/en/studentsandyouth/youthprograms/RotaryYouthLeadershipAwards(RYLA)/Pages/ridefault.aspx.

For additional information on the RB Sunrise Rotary, visit the club’s website at http://www.rbsunrise.org/.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

It's Noon and I'm still in my pajamas

Well, last night was the demolition party for club president Kendra Jeffcoat, and what a night it was. Starting with the cocktail hour at the Radisson Suite Hotel in Rancho Bernardo, the RB Sunrise Rotary Club showed they're always up for a grand old time. And though it got a bit cozy in the room, the 60-some members, spouses and guests all had a great time. Kendra even brought her dog Trevor for the occasion.

Past President Carl Kruse acted as Master of Ceremonies, and there was much of the usual fun and frivolity from one of these events. Past president Steve Sayler said a few words - I wonder what they were. Then President-elect designate nominee in waiting Mike Miller said a few words, and he's wondering what they were.

From there we went into a skit poking fun at Jay Jeffcoat, Kendra's husband and resident member of Kiwanis, starring Jim Roth and Carly Bohnsack. President elect Nasrin Barbee carried on in a blonde wig about what a selfless person Kendra is.

Then we were on to a video showing Kendra's entire life (though given that almost everything the woman owned was lost in the Witch Creek Fires 18 months ago, most of what was in the video had to be fabricated. I'm still not sure if she was really a Sports Illustrated swimsuit model or if, maybe, they were making that part up!)

Turning to a serious portion of the proceeds, Carl Kruse brought on councilmember Carl DeMaio to officially declare yesterday "Kendra Jeffcoat Day" within the city of San Diego. Of course, it was after 7pm by the time we heard about this, so it probably should have been called "Kendra Jeffcoat's 15 minutes of fame", but there it is. Why don't they tell you it's your day at 6am so you can make the most of it?

Carl (Kruse) was also busy getting swag from Senator Dianne Feinstein, the Rainbow Girls (who helped set Kendra on her path 40 years ago) and a ton of other people. All this was witnessed, by the way, by our district governor, governor elect, governor designate, governor designate elect, and the pool boy working next door who just happened to wander in to see what all the hollering was all about. Nice job, Carl!

As the party-goers munched on steak and salmon, salad and dessert (and drank a LOT of wine, which is probably why they didn't notice the pool boy!), new officers were installed for 2009-10. The outgoing officers were thanked (with more wine!) and Kendra was showered with gifts, including at least two books of jokes. Given her track record in the humor department, I frankly found it surprising that only two of us gave her joke books.

Lots and laughing, joking and good-natured ribbing were trumped, though, by the evening's last three events:

1) Jay Jeffcoat was made a Paul Harris Fellow, which makes him a Rotarian in spirit, even if he insists on calling himself a Kiwanian.

2) Kendra made one of the nicest speeches I've heard in a very long time - one that obviously came from the heart about how much working with this club had meant to her and how the past year has changed and improved her life.

3) Carl read a poem. Unlike the past when he would write a poem of his own, though, Carl read the following:

“Heavenly Father, up above
Help me live the words I love,
Help my Rainbow Dreams come true
In everything I say and do,
Bless those who have faith in me
That the girl they want, is the girl I’ll be.
And when the sunset ends the day
Our living Rainbow will guide the way.”

This is a poem that Kendra wrote when she was involved with Rainbox many years ago. To this day, "All of our girls still say it at every meeting". reports Sara Lee Martin of Rainbox.

When Carl was done there wasn't a dry eye in the house. It's no wonder I love this club so much!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

News of our new president

Three weeks remain before Nasrin Barbee takes over as president of the Rancho Bernardo Sunrise Rotary, but word about her reign is already all over the place. The latest news to hit the wires just popped up in the San Diego Union Tribune.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

RB Sunrise Rotary in the news

The latest issue of the RB Sun Signature hit the streets last night and there was a dandy article there about our club (Rancho Bernardo Sunrise Rotary) going to Tijuana to build a house in a day. Of course, we did the event in October and the story appeared in June, but hey - that's the nice thing about publicity: It's the gift that keeps on giving.

We're slowing inching towards our new presidency on July 1 (my 5th anniversary with the club!), and the demotion party is scheduled for this coming Friday. I must get out the announcement that Nasrin will be taking over.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Another July 1, another new president

As I approach my fifth anniversary with Rotary, I find myself marveling at the energy and commitment of club presidents and their spouses (or significant others). In addition to having a job or business to manager, these dedicated officers invariably have families, friends, social lives, and the like.

Yet here they are, willing to set it all aside for two years of training and a year at the helm, all in the name of doing good things for the community around them. They attend endless meetings, setting a structure in place to keep their club members involved and entertained, raising money, raising awareness, and raising connections.

I know I would never have the patience, commitment, and tenacity to do what they do. I am truly in awe of such people, and appreciate having them available to do what I cannot.