Friday, March 7, 2008

Recruiting Younger Rotarians

We had Liz Raines, Britt Catton, and Bob James, Jr. of the New Generations Club in La Jolla, CA speak to our club this past Tuesday. Liz is the incoming president, Bob the current president, and Britt the PR director.

They spoke about how to get younger members into your club - a critical issue for any Rotary, and a message I'm trying to help them get out into the Rotarian magazine. The way I see it, if this organization doesn't recruit more young members, it'll be dead in 30 years.

Interestingly, Liz was cited at the PETS session last week, joining President Lee as an example of young Rotarians coming up through the ranks. By the time the conversation was over, it turned out there were seven incoming presidents all under the age of 30 - good stuff.

Here was Liz (left of president D. K. Lee) and the other six at Saturday night's dinner event.

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