The RB Sunrise Rotary Club has announced the following lineup of for April, 2012. Their meetings are a MUST for anyone interested in camaraderie and community insight. The schedule includes:
· April 3 Wayne Saunders, Curator at the History of Man Museum, will be in talking about the History of Games.
· April 10 Joe Molina of Navy Seals – Team Red, White and Blue – discusses his actions in Afghanistan and his receipt of both Silver and Bronze stars for bravery.
· April 17 Katrin Belenky of the San Diego Children’s Discovery Museum shows how to inspire children to learn about the world they live in through exploration, imagination, and experimentation.
· April 24 Brett Weiss of Scan Diego will examine ways pre-digital media are deteriorating and how to salvage them from the ravages of time.
The meetings start promptly at 7:15 am at the Country Club of Rancho Bernardo,
12280 Greens East Road, San Diego, CA 92128. Speakers begin their presentations at 8:00 am. Members of the public are invited to attend these meetings at no charge if staying for just the speaker. A $15 fee will be charged to those staying for breakfast.
The Rancho Bernardo Sunrise Rotary club itself can be found online at