Rancho Bernardo Sunrise Rotary is a club I'm proud to call mine. Today we learned that our own Carl Kruse - former club president, Poway city council member, former Poway mayor, retired banker, and all around good guy (his license plate says SERVIZ - kind of says it all) - has secured his place in line to be Governor of Rotary District 5340 in 2013-2014. However, since Rotary has a trial period (during which he'll have training wheels on his shoes), it is (for the moment) a provisional appointment. This means Carl is now officially (get this) the District Governor Elect Designate Nominee, Provisional.
I want to know how he's going to fit all that onto his business card.
In addition to a standing ovation from the club he calls home, all the stars came out for Carl as District Governor Dave Breeding was joined by a host of other celebrities to honor the next guy to wear the maroon sports coat.
Well done, Carl. We all kid you about ... well, just about everything, actually. But we're VERY proud of you. Ya done good!