Happy holidays to all...and to all, a good night.
The exciting and never-ending escapades of San Diego's "Man with the hat". Follow him and his friends at the Rancho Bernardo Sunrise Rotary club at www.rbsunrise.org.
The meetings start promptly at 7:15 am at the Country Club of Rancho Bernardo, 12280 Greens East Road, San Diego, CA 92128. Speakers begin their presentations at 8:00 am. Members of the public are invited to attend these meetings at no charge if staying for just the speaker. A $15 fee will be charged to those staying for breakfast.
The Rancho Bernardo Sunrise Rotary club itself can be found online at www.rbsunrise.org.
“Young adults in Interact have a chance to help themselves by helping others” noted Dr. Kendra Jeffcoat, an educator and past-president of the RB Sunrise club. “For us it’s the equivalent of a farm team.”
“We see this as a way to help instill positive values that will guide young peoples’ choices throughout their lives, simultaneously strengthening their academic and social skills.” Dr. Jeffcoat continues, adding “In reinforces Rotary’s 4-Way Test, which asks of everything a person thinks, says and does, the following:
1. Is it the TRUTH?
2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?
4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all Concerned?
“We’re delighted to be in a position to help the youth now leaving Scripps Ranch High School to start the next chapter of their lives with some tangible support.”
The RB Sunrise Rotary is a group of 65 professionals dedicated to providing service above self. They meet every Tuesday morning at 7:15 am at the Country Club of Rancho Bernardo, 12280 Greens East Road, San Diego, CA 92128. Area professionals are invited to explore membership at a free breakfast of their choosing.
The Rancho Bernardo Sunrise Rotary club can be found online at http://www.rbsunrise.org/.
From left – Lauren Trott, Emily Berg, Phoebe Gurrola, RB Sunrise Rotarian (and Interact Advisor) Phillip Schneider, Tiffany Chu, and Radhika Raman. Not shown - Samantha Conrad.
The RB Sunrise Rotary Club has announced the following lineup of speakers for September, 2010. Their meetings are a MUST for anyone interested in camaraderie and community insight. Next month’s schedule includes:
The meetings start promptly at 7:15 am at the Country Club of Rancho Bernardo, 12280 Greens East Road, San Diego, CA 92128. Speakers begin their presentations at 8:00 am. Members of the public are invited to attend these meetings at no charge if staying for just the speaker. A $15 fee will be charged to those staying for breakfast.
The Rancho Bernardo Sunrise Rotary club itself can be found online at www.rbsunrise.org.
The Rancho Bernardo Sunrise Rotary club itself can be found online at www.rbsunrise.org.
At the ceremony, past club president Carl Kruse observed, “Today’s event is particularly exciting. In addition to being the largest group to ever receive Paul Harris Fellowships at one time for our club, we’re also helping the Barbee family to have a full set of Paul Harris Fellowships.” Ms. Barbee’s sister Cindy, father Ralph, and mother Nasrin all previously received the same award.
Since its inception, the Paul Harris Foundation has been dedicated to doing good for those who may not be able to help themselves. The first grant in 1930 provided seed money for what became the Easter Seals Foundation. “We can only hope our efforts here today also have that kind of positive result.” said Kruse.
The 65 business and community leaders in the RB Sunrise Rotary meet for breakfast every Tuesday at 7am at the RB Country Club on Greens East Road in RB. Professionals from throughout the region are invited to attend for some of the finest camaraderie to be found in north county, and prospective members are always welcome.
More information about the RB Sunrise Rotary can be found online at http://www.rbsunrise.org/.
Now in its 105th year, Rotary has grown steadily over the years and currently has well over 1.2 million members in almost 34,000 clubs worldwide.
“We’re in every community, in every country. We’re men and women, every age, every nationality. We’re your neighbor and your friend. And we’re leading the way to make the world a better place.” noted past-president Carl Kruse as he introduced the new members to the club.
The 65 business and community leaders in the RB Sunrise Rotary meet for breakfast every Tuesday at 7am at the RB Country Club on Greens East Road in RB. Professionals from throughout the region are invited to attend for some of the finest camaraderie to be found in north county, and prospective members are always welcome.
More information about the RB Sunrise Rotary can be found online at http://www.rbsunrise.org/.
Picture (L-R) New Rotarians Scott Bramwell, Kathy Weyer, and Terry Green welcome the opportunity to give back to the community by joining the RB Sunrise Rotary Club.
Five Grateful Dads and a Grateful Mom
From left to right – Back row – LJ Johnson, Jim Fraser, Dede Clark
Center row – Steve Coran, Michael Moon
Front Row – Rich Harchol